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How to Apply Milky Spore Powder to Eliminate Grubs
In the following video I show you how to apply Milky Spore Powder using an inexpensive and practical dispenser which I made out of PVC...

Milky Spore Powder for Grub Control and Ground Mole Control
In the following video I show you how to build an inexpensive and practical powdered milky spore applicator out of PVC pipe for spot...

How to Install an Enerwave Z-Wave Plus Double Relay
This is a SmartThings automation showing how to automatically turn on your bathroom fan to reduce humidity in your bath/shower. In this...

Water Leak Announcement On Your Echo Device
In the following video I show how to set-up an easy routine in the Free Echo Speaks App within SmartThings for automatic notifications...

Use Alexa Sounds in SmartThings Routines Using Echo Speaks
In the video I will show you how to use the sounds (available in the Alexa App), in any of your SmartThings routines using Echo Speaks. ...

Milky Spore Powder For Grub Control (One Year Later)
A proper Milky Spore Powder application can help eliminate grubs for up to ten years1

Create a Virtual Momentary Switch to Control SmartThings
In the following video I will take you through all the steps to create a Virtual Momentary Switch (VMS) as a Device Handler, add the VMS...

How to Create a Smart Home 101
Would like to learn the secret to creating a successful and well connect smart home ecosystem? Not quite sure where to begin. There is...

British Male Voice on Echo Device Using Echo Speaks & SmartThings
In the following video I will show you how to trigger custom voice notification on your Alexa Echo devices using the SmartThings...

5 Fun Home Automation Pranks
In the video below I show you 5 Fun Home Automation Pranks using Amazon Echo & SmartThings. My particular smart home automation setup...

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