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SmartThings Virtual Switches ~ From Creation to Application
In today’s episode I will tell you everything you need to know about using SmartThings virtual switches to control actions in third-party a

SmartThings Edge Driver and Routine Setup for the Ring Alarm Keypad 2nd Gen
The Ring Alarm Keypad has may awesome features when using the SmartThings Edge Driver that is provided below!

Five Main Attributes of a True Smart Home
Today I’ll review the five main attributes that make a home genuinely smart.

Aeotec Help Desk "Smart Solution Links" for SmartThings
Aeotec manufactures an exclusive selection of SmartThings compatible products for an ideal smart home!

How to Add an Edge Virtual Presence or Contact Sensor
Learn the easy steps to set up a virtual contact sensor or a virtual presence sensor within SmartThings.

SmartThings Edge Virtual Switch to Trigger Echo Notifications
This article will give the tools and knowledge to create SmartThings Edge Virtual Switches

More Reliable Virtual Presence Sensors - Revised DTH’s to Detect Departure and Arrival
In a previous article titled, “Use Mobile Phone as Presence Sensor in NEW SmartThings App”, video link, I provided details for setting up...

Play any Recorded MP3 file on your Amazon Echo following the Detection of Motion
How to play any Mp3 file on your Amazon Echo device based on motion in your home

Small form factor, inexpensive, contact sensor that works great with SmartThings!
I had a little bit more trouble pairing these sensors to SmartThings than I have with other devices, but for the size and price of these...

Smoke Detection Announcement ON Echo Device
Today I’ll show you how to have your Echo voice assistant announce the detection of smoke when your First Alert Z-Wave Smoke and Carbon...

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